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Buku Conteng: Jimi dan Kertas Ajaib

Jimi and the Magic Paper

oleh Fadhli Hamdan

Tarikh Terbit: 18 Oct 2012

License available in all countries

Ada dua acara penting yang berlaku sepanjang dua bulan ini:

1. Bantu Ganesh menang acara lontar peluru semasa Hari Sukan.

2. Pastikan kumpulan kami menang pertandingan Projek Sains Kreatif.


Pasti Jimi, Mimi, Ganesh dan Jason menang sebab mereka ada membina gunung berapi yang ada Ultraman. Tetapi….

In this story, Jimi and his friend have a new mission. They want to win the creative science project competition. After making every effort to build a volcano set, their effort came to waste. They were sabotage! From a volcano project it became instead a magic paper project.

The author used a combination of science and art concept to produce various types of creative greeting cards, bookmarks, bags and calendars. For the production of greeting cards, the author describes how Jimi and his friends made a magic card.

Ikuti kisah-kisah lucu Jimi, Mimi, Jason dan Ganesh dalam menyempurnakan misi mencipta gunung berapi dalam Projek Sains Kreatif mereka. 

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