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Young Aisyah: 3K Operation


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Baru-baru ini, suasana kelas Aisyah Sofia gempar apabila Arif tidak hadir ke kelas. Rupa-rupanya, kawan Aisyah Sofia itu sudah dimasukkan ke hospital kerana disyaki demam denggi.

Guru kelas Aisyah Sofia pula memperkatakan tentang kepentingan menjaga kebersihan diri dan rumah. Di rumah, ayah Aisyah sibuk membersihkan sekitar kawasan rumah? Apa yang berlaku di kampung Badak Berendam?

Melihatkan keadaan itu, Aisyah dan Geng Aa-Syik mengambil langkah melaksanakan opersi 3K? Operasi 3K? Kawan-kawan mahu ikut serta?

Aisyah Sofia’s class was perturbed when Ismail did not come to class. In fact, this friend of Aisyah sofia had been admitted into the hospital because he was suspected of suffering from dengue fever.

Aisyah Sofia’s class teacher informed her students on the importance of personal and house cleanliness. At home, Aisyah’s father, Sibu cleaned the surrounding of the house. This was because there was a case of a neighbor infested with dengue fever.

Looking at this situation, Aisyah and her Aa-syik Gang, took steps to do the 3K Operation, Cleanliness, Fitness and Health.

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