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Young Aisyah: Escaping Fasting


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Bulan puasa akan menjelang tidak lama lagi. Aisyah Sofia dan Geng Aa-Syik tidak sabar menunggu untuk berpuasa. Apabila tiba bulan Ramadan, Abu dan Ali didapati tidak berpuasa beberapa hari? Mengapa mereka tidak berpuasa? Pada suatu hari, Aisyah ternampak Abu makan disebalik pokok. Manakala Ali pula tertangkap oleh gurunya kerana minum air di bilik air. Aisyah pula? Adakah Aisyah berjaya puasa sebulan pada bulan Ramadan kali ini atau dia juga ponteng puasa? Apakah persiapan Aisyah Sofia dan Geng Aa-Syik sempena menyambut Hari Raya nanti? Sama-samalah kita baca kesudahan cerita ini dalam buku Young Aisyah: Ponteng Puasa. Selain itu, terdapat stiker doa-doa yang adik-adik boleh amalkan dalam bulan Ramadan nanti.

The month of Ramadhan was coming soon. Last year, Aisyah Sofia completed her whole month of fasting. This year she was solemn because she had to fast at a new house at Badak Berendam Village. She remembered her old friends and cousins who were in Kuala Lumpur.

The first day of fasting, Aisyah sofia felt dreadful. There were many challenges ahead, feeling sleepy, tired, thirsty and hungry. On the first day of break fast, she ate quite a lot and finally her tummy ache due to too much drinking of soya drink which had gone bad. She finally undergone the test of fasting successfully and eventually got used to it.

Ali and Abu were not fasting. They ate and drank during break time. Aisyah and Amirah saw Abu hid and ate a piece of bread. Ustaz Haikal saw Ali trying to drink water from the tap.

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