Young Aisyah: The Champion of Badak Berendam
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Hari sukan sekolah baru bermula. Aisyah Sofia dan rakan-rakannya berlumba-lumba masuk acara yang dipertandingkan.Namun, terdapat seorang kawan Aisyah Sofia yang hanya duduk mendiamkan diri? Mengapa dia tidak mahu masuk bertanding? Mungkin dia ada sebabya sendiri. Mahu tahu siapa menang pertandingan lumba lari 100 meter? Aisyah Sofia ada jawapannya.
Sports Day had just begun. Aisyah Sofia and her friends rushed to participate in the sports events except for one. She only sat quietly by herself.
Farah could not participate in the events because she was suffering from a disease. But she wanted to do something to ensure her sports house wins. Aisyah suggested that she becomes a cheer leader.
Aisyah Sofia won in most of the events she participated in. Farah, on the other hand, fainted at the beginning of the sports events.
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