
Ahmad Misron Yusof

IR. AHMAD MISRON YUSOF MSc, PEng is a qualified electrical engineer with morethan 40 years’ experience in power utility operations, cable manufacturing andmanagement consulting work. Born in Muar, Johor, he completed secondary education atSekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman (STAR), Ipoh. After graduating in ElectricalEngineering from Brighton Polytechnic, UK, he returned to Malaysia in 1968 to begin hiscareer in the National Electricity Board (NEB). For the next 20 years, he held variouspositions in NEB, including Distribution Engineer, Senior Education and TrainingOfficer, Senior Management Analyst, Director of Training Institute, and Deputy Head ofDistribution Division. After his retirement from the corporate sector in 1998, Misronfounded his own management consulting company, Ambience Consulting, whichspecializes in executive coaching, strategic planning and performance management.Since 1995 he has been actively associated with Vistage Malaysia (formerly known asTEC), the world’s leading organization for CEOs, initially as a Malaysian FounderMember and since 1999 as an accredited Chair. In this latter capacity, he acts as personalconsultant and adviser to dozens of CEOs from various sectors of commerce andindustry. Misron also facilitates in-house training workshops and seminars on leadership,strategic planning, performance management, and work-life balance.

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