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Umar Mukhtar: The Lion Of Libyan Desert

oleh Al Ghazali

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It was the peak of the Fascist movement led by Benito Mussolini; a period where Italy wanted to revive the glory of the Roman Empire and expand their power. Their next target: Libya.

A Quran teacher had risen up to become the leader of Libya’s rebel freedom fighters. His name was Umar Mukhtar, and his fearless courage had him famed as the “Lion of the Desert”.

The next few decades gave birth to the most cunning war the region has ever witnessed, as the Slaughterer of Fezzan went head to head with the Lion of the Desert. Will General Graziani ever succeed? Or will Umar Mukhtar’s fight for freedom end and be forgotten?

This is the legend of Umar Mukhtar, Lion of the Desert.

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